This article explain the role of the White race in keeping the American Union...
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It's true, they are. The White race is the most cowardly, self hating, stupid, pathetic race on the face of the Earth. All of these White Supremacists are retards, Whites aren't superior to anything but a worm these days. White people are probably the only species on the planet that aren't even concerned with their own existance and survival. The White race is the only race and only species of creature that I know of on Earth that actually cheer for their own extinction, who actually seem to want it to happen. The only race or species on the planet that puts other races, species, cultures, and ethnicities above their own. White people only work for the betterment of non White people, they don't even care about their own people, how pathetic, they have absolutely no sense of pride in their race, in their culture, in their people, they are a disgrace to their ancestors. The White race just cannot seem to give away their own home countries to foreigners fast enough, they just cannot bring about their extinction any sooner, it seems to be the cool thing to do among White people these days.
The White race was once great, proud, noble, strong.....The White race used to be on top of the world. But that was long ago.....Nothing more than a distant memory now. Now....the White race as it stands is the most INFERIOR race of human beings on the planet. The BLACKS have completely dominated the White race. The mestizo/Aztec warriors have completely dominated the so called Aryans. The Chinese are sitting over there laughing at us, they have outwitted us too. The Jews have defeated the White race. The Arabs have defeated the White race. The WHITE race is now a conquered race. It was once great, it is now PATHETIC in every sense of the word. The other races of the world have demonstrated their superiority over WHITE people. WHITE people are the most inferior race on the planet. I laugh at all the White Supremacists who think Whites are superior to the Blacks, Mestizos, and Jews, ha! Take a look around guys......Sure doesen't look that way!!! Looks to me like they are taking over and no one even puts up the slightest resistance. Psh...master race my as#. What a joke the White race is.
Most so called White "men" these days are nothing but little cry baby mama's boys. Just little currs, all bark and no bite. Most of them don't even bark, most of them would just lie there and play dead if a Black guy or Mexican hombre gave them a dirty look. Most White "men" would bend straight over and "take it like a man" if a Black guy or a Mexican told him to. Most White "men" are just Black worshipping little nerds and wimps. They watch negro vs. negro sports events all day long and listen to rap music with anti White lyrics. White "men" worship Black male sports stars and rap stars, they idolize them. 150 years ago White man had Black man on a leash, literally. Now Black man has White man on a leash leading him around. WHITE "men" are just the Black men's little bit*h boys. The roles have been reversed. White men are harmless, weak, wimpy, cowardly, impotent, Black worshipping, cry baby mommy's boys. That's what all the Blacks think, and that's what all the Mestizos think, and it's what all the Arabs think too.......I would have to agree with them. They're absolutely right, White "men" are a joke, ha! Just laughable. Hey WHITE "men"! Black men, and Mexican men, are TAKING OVER YOUR country. It's your house, and these other guys are just coming in and screwing your wife and drinking your beer and putting their feet up on the stool and making themselves at home. What losers you White "men" are, you don't even care, you don't even resist in the slightest. Most of you welcome it. You say come on Black guy!! Come on Mexican guy!! Come screw my daughter, heck screw me if you want too!! I don't mind because I'm not a racist!! I'm coo' homies, huh? I'm cool right guys??? Most so called White "men" are just gutless little worms who beg like dogs for the approval and acceptance of Black and Mestizo men. Which is why all the White women want nothing to do with little wimpy ass kissing White "men". They don't want you little impotent, ball less, wusses, they want a Black guy, or a Mexican, you know...a real man. Someone who can handle himself, someone who looks out for his people, someone who protects his property. Not some dork who just gives it away. Psh....
Women......WHITE women...psh...just as big of a joke as the White "men". Your typical White woman is just a trampy, slutty, braindead, IQ of 60, Black worshipping little skank. You WHITE women know what BLACK men and MESTIZO men, and other men even your own WHITE "men" think of you???? They all just think you're a bunch of EASY, slutty, airheaded little bimbos. And you know what?? They're right!!! Your typical White woman would strip off her clothes and jump in bed with a gang banging negro if he just simply looked at her and snapped his big black fingers. All he's gotta say is "come ere' lil' White bitc#" and the girls just can't resist. They say ooo I'm so cool now I'm getting SCREWED by a Black guy woo hoo! Won't my Daddy be so proud of me!! WHITE women just want the approval of Black and Mestizo men just the same as the White "men" do. WHITE people are the most inferior race on the planet, they didn't use to be, but they certainly are now. They just want to be "down wit' da homies and esses" that's their life goal. Well that, and the complete eradication of all traditional White-European culture and way of living, and the complete eradication of all White countries which of course leads to the eradication of the White race and culture as we know it. Race...culture.....the perpetuation of your people...the single most sacred thing in this the one thing White people don't care about at all. They only care about bettering other races, not their own. They want their own race and culture to go extinct it means absolutely nothing to them.
Well let me tell you WHITE people something, you PATHETIC little WHITE wimps and MORONS. These Mexicans and mestizos ONLY care about spreading and maintaining their race and culture not YOURS, they don't give a flying crap about the survival of the White race and culture only the Mestizo/Mexican race and Latino culture nothing else. Let me tell you WHITE imbeciles something else.....these BLACK people don't give a crap in this world about the survival of the White - European culture, way of life, and race. NOT AT ALL. They only care about THEIR people. About spreading and maintaining THEIR culture, way of life and race not YOURS!! Not WHITE people!! Not at all!!! Same thing goes for the Jews, Arabs, Chinese etc...Every race and ethnic group on the planet ONLY cares first and foremost about advancing and preserving THEIR race, THEIR people, THEIR culture, THEIR way of living, NOBODY elses. But.....WHITE people ONLY care about advancing everyone else.....Their own culture, way of life, and race obviously means NOTHING to them. What is wrong with WHITE people??? What happened to them??? They are truly a PATHETIC race if I have ever seen one, it is sad. There are a few good ones still like me and alot of the people here on Stormfront and within the WN movement. But the majority of the WHITE race is beyond PATHETIC. The lowest of the low. SCUM. COWARDS. TRAITORS. MORONS. IDIOTS. WHORES. SLUTS. WIMPS. NANCY BOYS. Am I wrong??? Or am I right????? I sure hope you guys who are reading this can make me eat my words, I sure hope you can prove me wrong. But.....I seriously doubt it. The WHITE race is a conquered race of FOOLS and COWARDS. The men are wimps and the women are race mixing sluts who would do whatever some random Black rapper tells them to do because they so desperately want to be cool and get SCREWED by a Black guy who cares NOTHING about their little White as#. Hey stoopid race mixing WHITE girls!! Those Black guys don't LOVE you!! They only want to do to you what they perceive the WHITE man has having done to them for decades.......SCREW em'. As soon as you get knocked up with a little mongrel "Obama" baby that Black guy is outta there honey. Just ask Obama's mama. Hey WHITE "men"!! All those Black guys and hombres think you're nothing but a bunch of little sissy cowards, all they gotta do is look at you crossways and you'll go running for mommy, you know what??
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